Last Friday night one of our sisters from Triumphant Church International Basildon branch was returning from work and whilst on the motorway very close to home a big truck hit her car and ran into her.
Her car surmasaulted several times and all the airbags in the car popped out.
She came out of the car unscath. No scratch. All to Gods glory and power.
I asked her after the testimony, sis Tokonboh when precisely did this happen on Friday night. She stated the time. Beloved that was precisely the same time last Friday when Pastor Clem asked us in TCI London at PUSH prayers, to hold our hands together and pray and declare that the spirit of death will not penetrate our defences as a Church.
God truly answers prayers. To Him alone be all the Glooooorrrrryyyyy. Amen.
Written by Pastor Marjorie